We offer a wide range of high-quality consumer electronics at competitive prices, with superior quality as our cornerstone. However, if you are not satisfied with any of our products, you can return them to us within 15 days of purchase for a full refund.

When returning a product, please ensure that it is unused and in its original packaging. We offer a 100% money-back guarantee, but the shipping charges for returning or exchanging the product will be borne by the customer.

Please note that the discounted shipping cost mentioned on our site is not applicable for returns or exchanges, and the customer will have to pay the original shipping cost calculated by FedEx.

If there is any fault on the customer’s end, such as providing an incorrect address or contact number, not collecting the product, or any other reason, we will charge the complete shipping cost, which will be the original amount calculated by FedEx.

We reserve the right to cancel an order if the product is unavailable, if there is a change in its depiction or price, or if it is accepted for delivery but needs to be canceled. Customers can cancel their orders before delivery by contacting our customer support services during working hours. After dispatch, orders cannot be cancelled except in the case of failed payment.

To return a damaged product, customers should provide their order number, a picture of the damaged product, and a detailed reason for returning it via email. After evaluating the problem, we will provide instructions on how to return the product to our return address.

To qualify for a refund, valuable items must be in their original, unused, unopened condition with intact packaging and labels unless there is a manufacturing defect. Customers must return purchased items within 15 days of the delivery date. Our return policy offers a 100% money-back guarantee, but customers are responsible for the cost of returning the product and will not be refunded the original shipping and handling fees.

Note that we will not issue a refund until the product has been returned to us in unused condition. Restocking fees may apply and will be deducted from the refund amount. We also do not refund the original shipping and handling fees paid by the customer.

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